Mill Hill Kits 20% off - Use code MARCH - Free shipping on orders of $50 or more (within the US)

About Us


Welcome! Craft and Treasure Cove was started by a stay at home, working wife and mother. I love to bake, scrapbook, homeschool my children, volunteer in the community and craft beautiful heirlooms that can be passed down through the generations. Over the last few years, our family owned/operated business has grown and we are excited to add more products and expand into international shipping!                                                                                                                        


For a busy mom, who loves to create, but is not so crafty - a KIT is the perfect solution. With step by step directions from start to finish, supplies and materials included, the kits make it so easy to create beautiful heirlooms.. 

So... as my children were growing up and getting married, I had more time to focus on crafting, I was searching more and more for the kits that I liked, but they were becoming increasingly harder to find. The craft stores were not stocking as many and the ones that did have kits, had very little choices..   I was looking for one store with all the choices of current and vintage kits, without having to scour the internet or find every yard sale, estate sale, flea market, or thrift store. But.. I could not find one, so Craft and Treasure Cove was born! I have done the hunting, so you dont have to!


We now have our products on several marketplaces with over 1000 new and vintage items! Thank you for shopping with us! I hope we exceed your expectations with our collection of craft kits.